Our Story

I remember the first time I stepped into my tiny apartment, excitement mixed with a tinge of disappointment. It had taken me years to save up for this place, but its size was far from accommodating. As I squeezed through the narrow doorways and surveyed the empty rooms, an overwhelming feeling of intense claustrophobia settled in my chest. Determined to make this space work for me, I started searching for furniture that could maximize every square inch.

But to my dismay, all I found were pieces that were either too bulky or didn’t fit together perfectly. Frustrated by the lack of options available, an idea sparked in my mind: what if there was modular furniture that could adapt to any space? Fuelled by this vision and driven by empathy towards those facing similar challenges, we founded RC Modular.

The journey began as a passionate quest to create versatile furniture that would alleviate the struggles faced by individuals living in small apartments like myself. We knew firsthand how essential it was to have functionality.

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