
At RC Modular, we are fueled by a heartfelt mission that stems from my personal experience. Growing up, I witnessed my parents struggling to make ends meet while constantly rearranging our limited furniture to adapt to our ever-changing needs. It sparked in me a deep empathy for families like mine who face similar challenges of space constraints and financial limitations.


Driven by the desire to alleviate this burden, RC Modular started. Our modular furniture line aims to provide a practical yet elegant solution for individuals and families looking for versatile pieces that can effortlessly transform their living spaces. We understand that life is an ongoing journey filled with unexpected twists and turns, which is why we have developed innovative designs that allow customization according to individual preferences and changing circumstances.


My team and I are passionate about delivering more than just functional furniture; we want to create a passionate connection between our customers and their living environments. The grief of losing cherished family members inspired us to infuse each piece with love and warmth so that they become not just objects but meaningful symbols.

Current Opening for Multiple Positions


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